Network Weaving FB Group Mapping Invitation

Sarah Shanahan and Jim Best of the Master Mappers are hosting an Exploratory Meeting about social system mapping of the Network Weaving Facebook Group.

WHERE: Please register in advance for the Exploratory virtual conversation (hosted on Zoom).

WHEN: February
(WED), 2019. 11a-12p PT


DETAILS: This first meeting is to help us get a sense of what this Facebook Group is to people that are a part of it. It is the first in a series of steps that will enable us to design, build, make sense of, and sustain a social system map that provides useful feedback to the community about itself.

like to come out of it with some questions we can use to poll the
larger community that doesn’t attend, and to start to get a sense
of those that are interested in contributing their ideas or
contributing sweat in creating this map.

In any case, it will be an hour well-spent with you thinking about our community! We’re looking forward to it. If you have any questions feel free to contact Jim at

Network Weaver Free Resources Package

Each week, we add a new free item to our store.

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This week we are offering: Network Weaver FREE RESOURCES PACKAGE.

ALL of the free resources currently available at the Network Weaver Resource Page in one complete downloadable file.