Danielle M. Varda, PhD
Danielle M. Varda, PhD is the CEO of Visible Network Labs and an Associate Professor at the University of CO Denver in the School of Public Affairs. Dr. Varda directs VNL’s data science company that hosts the Aspen platform, including apps and web based tools to track the progress of network interventions and the largest database of cross-sector inter-organizational networks.
These include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded PARTNER tool, a social network analysis survey and analysis tool and the Person-Centered Network (PCN App), a tool to assess the strengths and gaps in a person’s personal support networks. She is also the director of theNetwork Leadership Training Academy, a three day workshop for network leaders to increase skills to build, manage, and evaluate effective networks. She has consulted with over 100 organizations on network leadership, and has evaluated dozens of cross-sector community networks.