Sarah Ann Shanahan
Sarah Ann Shanahan has worked for the RE-AMP Network for ten years. She currently serves as the Network's Community Manager where she facilitates the collaboration of members through connections, collective strategy setting, and capacity building.[ap_spacing spacing_height="20px"]
Her primary skills are in facilitation and meeting planning but has also been leading the work to develop and use a social systems map for the RE-AMP Network. She's an Associate of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute and co-developed a Systems Thinking Academy Curriculum for the Network drawing from the Institute, previous RE-AMP System Thinking Academies and Fasterthan20.[ap_spacing spacing_height="20px"]
Bruce Hoppe
Bruce Hoppe, PhD, founder and president of Connective Associates, is an experienced consultant with a passion for customer service and translating data into bottom line impact. A creative problem solver for 20+ years, he has focused on helping organizations to optimize insight and impact in networks of leaders, customers, and stakeholders.
Dr. Hoppe’s consulting and coaching services include network mapping and analysis, network development, network evaluation, and network and communication ecosystems. Many of Dr. Hoppe’s most notable projects involve catalyzing collective awareness and action.